

Chief Scout Lord Baden Powell said, "Don't stick in the mud because the others stick there. Look for your stepping stones and make your way out of it".

In the words of the Chief Scout, the aim of the girl guiding is character development towards happy citizenship, through natural rather than artificial means.

The main aim of guiding is leadership. The development of leadership is an important test of Guide Company. Right leadership must be service motivated and executive minded. The work of the Guide company should be so organized that every girl has an opportunity to exercise leadership and rise up to every occasion.

With this attitude our guide company started in the year 1980 with a company of 32 guides and 12 bulbuls by our dedicated and beloved Sr. Adeline. Our Guide Company actively participated in various girl guide programmes, such as camps, rallys, camporee & jamboree awareness programmes like health, safety rule and use of plastics all through the year.

In the year 1981, 20 of our guides attended District Rally held at Bharathiya Vidhyala. In 1986, about 8 guides attended the 10th National Jambore held at palace grounds, Bangalore and received special scarves. In 1992, Ms. Arthi Rajarathnam received the Governor award from His Excellency Dr. Bisma Narayan Singh. In the same year, she received the best guide award. In 2003-2004, two of our guides Vanjulavalli Sridar, and R. Vaishnavi attended the event "Bridges" held at London.

Cluny celebrated 25th year of our Cluny Guide Company in 2005. In the year 2007, about 15 guides participated in SAARC countries SCOUT & GUIDE JAMBOREE held at Bangladesh.

G. V. Ajantha Priyadharshini received the highest State award, the Governor award from His Excellency Dr. Surjit Singh Barnala. In 2009, Mrs. Beulah Ananth received the International Achievement Award for the Best Guide Captain, from Asia Pacific Region. The same year, P. Aruna received the highest National Award the President award from Her Excellency Mrs. Prathiba Patel Singh.

Our guides are proud winners of the RajyaPuraskar Award the State award and the Rashtrapathi Award the National award every year 15 Cluny guides are recipients of the National Award and 25 guides are recipients of the State Award.


Young student movement was started in the year 1920 in Belgium. It is an international movement for young Catholic children, now open to all.

In India the movement made its formal entry at Chennai 1966. Later in 1970 it was started in all catholic schools. The movement was started in our school in the year 2004.

Children learn to make themselves aware of social problems and try to improve themselves and society by contribution of their time energy with the guidance of the teachers. The members are taught to see, make aware of any social activity, judge and reflect on it. Do the action or act to it and after planning execute and evaluate the action. The Children are involved in several social activities like cleanliness and children's rights. They also collected a good amount for the education of poor students. This year, YSM members along with other school YCS/YSM, members visited the Juvenile home in Salem District Court and gave some entertainment program and also awareness on children's rights for education.


Changing the attitudes of 100 crores of the people is not going to happen overnight. The best way to attempt to bring about a change in the attitudes in the society is through children.

The National Green Corps Programme abides by the motto "Where there is Green, there is Prosperity". The Cluny NGC which was formed in the year 2006 with set of 30 students from classes 6 to 8, has now entered its successful 4th year, with 50 members.

The objectives of the NGC are knit closely around the environment. The awareness programmes of the NGC mobilize action against environmentally unsound practices.

Our NGC members have the opportunity of participating in seminars, camps, field visits, science exhibitions and competitions, not only within the school but also in the district level. Through these activities, the students realize the need to make this world a better place for us, and contribute their part towards making a green environment.


The major objectives of the DNA Club are as follows:

1. To enhance understanding among students about the immense value of biological diversity of our country, the importance of locally available bio-resources, their sustainable use and conservation.
2.To familiarize students with scientific and technological issues related to biotechnology.
3.To provide students with an experimental learning opportunity.
4.To create opportunities for hands on experience in the field at the school level.
5.To stimulate student interest in pursuing careers in science and technology.


The mission of the Interact Club with its motto, "Lead, initiate and connect" is to provide service to others and promote understanding and goodwill in society. Cluny Interact club, one of the oldest clubs of cluny, since its inception in the year 1982, under the able guidance of our first club coordinators Mrs. Mildred John, and Mrs. Teresa Hu is a treasure for the interactors which provides ample opportunities to reach out to society. Interactors join hands with Rotary to bring about a healthier, safer and a more hopeful world. We aside differences and work united and multifariously.

The projects undertaken are as follows:

Community projects entail visits to charitable institutions, old age homes, orphanages, central Jail, homes for physically and mentally challenged, outreach programmes such as teaching spoken English to rural children, organizing blood donation camp, eye camp, medical camp and donating rice, dhal, old clothes, wheel chairs, stationary items to the poor and needy.

Campus projects include clean class contests, good food contests, learning handicrafts, vegetable and food carving, intra and inter school competitions, organizing fancy fete, etc. Seminars on important topics like career guidance, first aid, creativity enhancement, ban on plastics, health and hygiene to name a few are conducted by eminent resource persons from various fields.

Environment related projects are given top most priority. Trekking and bicycle expeditions are undertaken. Saplings are planted every year to increase the foliage and to protect our fragile earth. Visits to horticulture farms, botanical gardens, nature walks etc are part of activities.

The work we do the goodwill we spread and the friendship we share will bring the world closer. Interact club along with Rotary shares goodwill and friendship and it also shares hope – Hope for a world at peace.

Let me conclude by saying, "everybody has the light but a very few hand over". Thank you.


Vigour in the blood and strength in the nerves filled with enthusiasm to serve the universe, we started junior Red Cross unit in our school in the academic year 2004-2005.

Our mission with 5o juniors and a counselor was initiated with the Global Aids Awareness program sponsored by the Federation American Red Cross .District co-ordinates of the project enhanced the capacity of our junior personal in life skills that paved a path to create greater awareness on HIV/AIDS and related issues

Motto of JRC is "I serve" accordingly every year our juniors are equipped with

  • St. John's Ambulance First Aid Training
  • Road Safety Measures
  • Fire Flight Technique and the most important
  • Health and Hygiene

To promote our JRC objective Health, Service and Friendship, our juniors are encouraged to visit old age homes and orphanages.

Our juniors have participated in rallies to bring about awareness on AIDS, Chicken Guinea, Global Warning and Avoid plastics.

We are proud of our 4 juniors S. Sandhya, S. Kejal, S.Rosemary, and S. Sneha Priya, who were selected to represent Tamil Nadu for National Level Training Camp 2009 held at Bangalore.

By their active participation, discipline, skill and knowledge, they bagged 'The Best Team Award' and 'The Best Junior Award' such camps provide an opportunity to promote and exchange JRC experience and to develop the fellowship among the juniors of different places.

By the will of God, We hope to keep the light of our mission burning forever.


Cluny Old Students Association, Salem or COSAS in short, has been a means for past pupils, young and old to renew ties with their alma mater. Every year the old students meet, relive their good old days in school. It was a heartwarming occasion when COSAS honoured the pioneers of Cluny in one of its meet.

COSAS plan a few projects and implement the same. Some of COSAS projects were seminar on positive thinking, a discussion on stress in job situations and its effect on skin, a dental and orthopedic medical camp at Anbu Illam, Naattamangalam.

For the golden jubilee, COSAS has initiated many projects. Career guidance programme for the current students was conducted by old students of Cluny, from various fields.

Medical kit to detect breast cancer was purchased. Dr. Sri devi, an old student of our school, has screened all the teachers of our school for the same. The kit will be used in future to detect breast cancer for the people in and around Salem.

About 40 tree saplings were planted in Anbu Illam, Nattamangalam.

welcome to salem